The Best Herbal Foods for Treating Migraine Pain

Migraine sufferers know that this condition is far more severe than the average headache. Often, basic painkillers are not effective, and any exposure to light or sound can make the migraine much more uncomfortable. If you are suffering from a migraine, try checking out one of these beneficial herbal remedies.

This herb is very useful for migraine sufferers because it combats multiple migraine symptoms at once. Peppermint contains menthol, which has been shown to ease muscle spasms and reduce pain when applied topically. In addition to massaging your temples with peppermint oil during a migraine, you can benefit from sipping on a tea made from peppermint leaves. Peppermint has powerful anti-nausea properties, so it helps to reduce the queasiness that often accompanies migraines.

As the name implies, this herb has been used as a treatment for fevers since ancient times. However, feverfew is also highly effective at treating inflammation and migraines. A research study published in the British Medical Journal found that the patients who took feverfew had far less migraines when they regularly ate the fresh herbs of feverfew. Researchers theorize that it works by reducing muscle spasms and stopping the production of certain migraine-stimulating hormones.

Valerian is mostly known for its relaxing properties, so it can be just as soothing as having a home well cleaned with tile and grout cleaning. For years, valerian has been referred to as "nature's tranquilizer," so it is a great way to overcome migraine pain with sleep. This soothing benefit means that valerian can be very useful for easing pain and helping people with migraines to get a good night's sleep. Keep in mind that valerian interacts poorly with antidepressants and sleep-inducing medications, so it can cause excessive drowsiness when taken with drugs like Halcion.

Willow Tree Bark
Willow bark is such a great painkiller that it was actually used to first develop aspirin and other medical painkillers. In addition to the natural salicin content that acts as a painkiller, willow bark also contains many other compounds that reduce pain, fever, and inflammation. You can drink it as a tea or chew on the bark of the tree, but willow tends to have a slightly bitter taste. Therefore, many migraine patients prefer to take willow bark by swallowing capsules of dried, powdered willow.

This flavorful root gets its characteristic flavor from gingerol, a naturally occurring compound with anti-inflammatory effects. A 2014 study from the Journal of Phytotherapy Research found that ginger powder was just as effective at reducing pain as sumatriptan, a common migraine medication. Patients who took ginger also had less side effects, so it is a better choice for dealing with migraine pain. You can take it as a tea, but ginger is also effective when ground up and mixed into foods.

Coriander contains protecting antioxidants and ingredients that regulate blood flow, so it can be very helpful at treating migraines. So far, most research on the painkilling properties of coriander have focused on the seeds, not the leaves, but coriander leaves may potentially provide some benefits. The seeds can be steeped in a tea or eaten whole for the painkilling benefits. Coriander is also used in Indian cooking, just like ginger, so you may even be able to reduce migraine pain by enjoy a tasty curry.

These herbal remedies can be highly effective at dealing with a migraine. Even if they do not completely stop the pain, they can at least help to keep the migraine from getting worse. Some of the above herbal remedies can even help to prevent migraines from happening if you take them regularly.


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